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Education beyond Graduation  

Lifelong learning

A varied and heterogeneous educational offer  

Politecnico di Milano offers several education programmes in addition to institutional degrees. Education is extremely important at any age and in any condition; this is why Politecnico di Milano programmes and courses vary according to their lenght, language, costs and methods, and they are kept constantly up-to-date in order to satisfy the most various and heterogenous requests. Find below the descriptions of Politecnico education programmes and their links for more details. 


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Specialising Masters and Post Graduate Courses


Polimi Open Knolwledge

Corporate Education

Post Graduate Courses

LenghtMinimum 12 months, full time
CreditsMinimum 60 ECTS
Entry requirements3-4 year bachelor degree or equivalent degree
LenghtMinimum 12 months, full time
CreditsMinimum 60 ECTS
Entry requirementsMaster of Science or equivalent degree
Lenght3-9 months
Credits15-45 ECTS
Entry requirements3-4 year bachelor degree or equivalent degree
Lenght1+ days 
CreditsNo ECTS are released, but it releases CFP (Professional Training Credits)
Entry requirementsTo be verified with the institutions in charge of continuing education
LenghtVariable lenght/held entirely online
CreditsNo ECTS are released
Entry requirementsNo entry requirements