Strategic plan 2023/2025
The "Strategic Plan 2023/2025" outlines the development policies of the University, tracing its guidelines and expectations. It is an evolving project that renews its commitment year after year. The Plan benefits from constant monitoring, which is useful to verify the effectiveness and progress of the actions undertaken.
"We are at a crucial moment”, writes the Rector in the preface. “As we approach the midterm of this six-year mandate, we can look forward with satisfaction to the results achieved and with enthusiasm to the projects and challenges ahead.”
The 2025 edition is therefore a second assessment that includes new elements for reflection. It shows how most performance indicators are consistent, if not exceeding expectations. Special mention is given to the positioning in the new Interdisciplinary Science Rankings (ISR) by Times Higher Education dedicated to scientific multidisciplinarity - which sees the Politecnico di Milano ranked thirtieth globally and first in Italy – as well as to the gender equality certification obtained in accordance with UNI/PdR 125:2022.
“It is not only the numbers that we find most gratifying”, says the Rector, “but the solidity of the method we have built. The Plan is indeed the expression of careful analysis, forecasting, and management capabilities derived from a participatory approach.
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Strategic Plan 2023/2025: updated 2025
Strategic Plan archive
Strategic Plan 2023/25: ed. 2024 (full text)
Strategic Plan 2023/25: ed. 2023 (long version)