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International competitions

Field Robot Event

Field Robot Event is an agricultural robotics competition in which students and their supervisors are involved in the automation of different agricultural practices, such as autonomous navigation in corn rows, crop irrigation, identification and removal of weeds and waste. The tests gradually increase in difficulty, until the last "freestyle" task in which the teams can show their creativity.

The Polimi Team

AIRLab POLIMI è composto da studenti e studentesse di Laurea e Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica e di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria dell’Automazione, che, insieme a un docente, un tutor e due supervisor, affrontano la sfida del Field Robot Event mettendo in pratica le conoscenze ottenute durante il corso di Robotics e usando tecniche di Computer Vision, Deep Learning e Robotica.




  • 3rd place in the "Sensing" competition


  • 4th place in the online simulation mode


Recruiting is aimed at students enrolled in the Robotics course, within the Computer Science and Automation Engineering programmes, as an alternative assessment to the written exam. Starting from the year 2023, recruiting is available also for students enrolled in the Multidisciplinary Project course within the Master of Science programme in Computer Engineering, as team tutors.


Mirko Usuelli (PhD student, Department of Aerospace Science and Technology) 

Dr. Simone Mentasti (Researcher, Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering) 

Prof. Matteo Matteucci (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering)