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Mobility for study

At the end of the mobility  

You have to upload three documents scan here: Online services > International Mobility for Study > My Mobility Agreements > 2022 > Details > Documents to be submitted at the end of mobility:

  1. Final Online Learning Agreement
  2. Final Confirmation Letter
  3. Travel proof 

When your partner university will have registered all the exams you took abroad, send us your Transcript of Records, issued by the Host Institution, according to one of the following ways:  

  • directly from the partner institution as a digital or paper document (please note that the digital ToR is preferable)
  • from you by the institutional email, but only if the document is digitally signed by the Partner Institution, it cannot be modified, or it can be verified on the Partner Institution website with a code
  • in case your ToR has to be downloaded from an online platform to which only you have access, book an appointment with our office (Online services > Schedule an appointment in presence or in remote modality)

After receiving your official ToR, we will upload it on your Online services > My Mobility Agreements (we will write you an e-mail once done).

Once your ToR has been uploaded, you will have to make sure it is complete and correct, and then accept it. By doing so, your ToR will be final.

Be careful: do NOT accept an incomplete or incorrect ToR, instead write us an e-mail to point out the error.

At this stage, you have the enter the Online services > International Mobility for Study > My mobilities > Details > OLA and click on “Request validation” to let your mobility Referee know what courses you passed abroad and which ones you wish to validate (you may ask the professor not to validate one or more exams included in your ToR even though a correspondence with the Polimi teachings was included in your OLA).

Only after completing these steps, your mobility Referee will be able to validate the exams you took abroad, as established in your OLA.

Only if you have been selected for an Erasmus+ mobility you have to fill out the EU Survey:

  • you will receive an email from the European Commision with a link to the COMPULSORY end-of-mobility questionnaire.
  • If you do not fill in the questionnaire you will not receive the final payment of the contribution.

At this point you just have to wait in order to receive the remaining part of your mobility grant (saldo), if it the case.