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University history

Professors emeriti and honorary

This is the highest academic position at national and international level, the top reward for a scientific and university career of exceptional and recognized prestige. The title is conferred by the Ministry of University and Research “only to deserving professors of great notoriety" who have distinguished themselves for their original scientific, educational and academic contributions in the broad sense. The title of Professor Emeritus can be conferred to retired full professors who have served at least twenty years in the role; the title of Honorary Professor can be conferred for at least 15 years of service.

NameYear of nominationFacility
Giuseppe Allegra2010Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Luigi Amerio1988Department of Mathematics
Adriana Baglioni2015Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
Giulio Ballio2012Department of Mechanical Engineering
Emilio Bartezzaghi2019Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Amedeo Bellini2013Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Umberto Bertelè2016Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Italo Bertolini1981Department of Mechanical Engineering
Giovanni Bianchi1997Department of Mechanical Engineering
Luisa Bicelli2003Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Luigia Binda2010Department of Hydraulic, Environmental Engineering, Road Infrastructures and Surveying [*]
Emanuele Biondi2004Department of Bioengineering [*]
Sergio Bittanti2018Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Carlo Enrico Bottani2022Department of Energy
Giampio Bracchi2016Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Armando Brandolese2013Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Arnaldo Brandolini2007Department of Electronics and Information [*]
Francesco Brioschi2010Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Federico Butera2015Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
Giuseppe Caglioti2007Department of Energy
Roberto Camagni2018Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
Guido Canella2007Department of Architectural Projects [*]
Andrea Capello1997Department of Mechanical Engineering
Francesco Carassa1998Department of Electronics and Information [*]
Cesare Cardani1998Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Paolo Carpeggiani2017Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Sergio Carrà2005Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Corrado Casci1993Department of Energetics [*]
Gino Cassinis1961Institute of Geodesy and Topography [*]
Pietro Luigi Cavallotti2010Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Luigi Cedolin2012Department of Hydraulic, Environmental Engineering, Road Infrastructures and Surveying [*]
Sergio Cerutti2018Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Alberto Cigada2019Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Duilio Citrini1989Institute of Hydralics and Hydraulic Constructions [*]
Vincenzo Columbo1987Department of Building and Territorial Systems Engineering [*]
Giancarlo Consonni2016Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Francesco Correggiari1981Institute of Industrial Electrotechnics [*]
Sergio Cova2011Department of Electronics and Information [*]
Stefano Crespi Reghizzi2014Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Sergio Crotti2011Department of Architectural Projects [*]
Rinaldo Cubeddu2016Department of Physics
Umberto Cugini2013Department of Mechanical Engineering
NameYear of nominationFacility
Luigi Dadda1999Department of Electronics and Information [*]
Arturo Danusso1956Department of Structural Engineering [*]
Adriano De Maio2013Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Maurizio Decina2014Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Alessandro Dei Poli1991Department of Structural Engineering [*]
Arturo Dell'Acqua Bellavitis2019Department of Design
Pier Luigi Della Vigna2015Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Bruno Oscar Dente2018Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Mario Dente2010Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Pietro De Pol1984Institute of Industrial Electrotechnics [*]
Sandro De Silvestri2022Department of Physics
Giorgio Diana2010Department of Mechanical Engineering
Amalia Ercoli Finzi2010Department of Aerospace Engineering [*]
Costantino Fassò2000Department of Hydraulic, Environmental Engineering and Surveying [*]
Leo Finzi1998Department of Structural Engineering [*]
Pio Forzatti2019Department of Energy
Patrizia Gabellini2021Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Pietro Gambarova2014Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Emilio Gatti1998Department of Electronics and Information [*]
Marino Gatto2020Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Bruno Gentilini1983Institute of Hydralics and Hydraulic Constructions [*]
Carlo Ghezzi2018Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Vittorio Giavotto2011Department of Aerospace Engineering [*]
Giuseppe Grandori1997Department of Structural Engineering [*]
Giorgio Grassi2011Department of Architectural Projects [*]
Alberto Grimoldi2020Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Guido Guardabassi2011Department of Electronics and Information [*]
Giorgio Guariso2024Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering
Fulvio Irace2021Department of Design
Francesco Jovane2011Department of Mechanical Engineering
NameYear of nominationFacility
Ennio Lazzarini2003Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Arturo Locatelli2013Department of Electronics and Information [*]
Pietro Locatelli1978Department of Structural Engineering [*]
Ennio Macchi2016Department of Energy
Gianantonio Magnani2022Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering
Giulio Maier2007Department of Structural Engineering [*]
Ugo Majone2006Department of Hydraulic, Environmental Engineering, Road Infrastructures and Surveying [*]
Pier Giorgio Malerba2019Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ezio Manzini2014Department of Design
Pietro Cesare Marani2023Department of Design
Sergio Giovanni Mariotti2019Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering
Marzio Marseguerra2007Department of Nuclear Engineering [*]
Mario Martinelli2023Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering
Arnaldo Masotti1979Institute of Mathematics [*]
Luigi Mazza2011Department of Architecture and Planning [*]
Francesco Minisci2007Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Aldo Mondina1997Department of Mechanical Engineering
Antonio Monestiroli2011Department of Architectural Projects [*]
Robeto Negrini2020Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Gianni Gilberto Ottolini2015Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Pier Carlo Palermo2017Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
Giorgio Paolini2002Department of Mechanical Engineering
Italo Pasquon2003Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Luciano Patetta2010Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
Antonio Pedotti2016Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Ernesto Pedrocchi2010Department of Energy
Vincenzo Petrini2013Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Silvia Elvira Maria Piardi2021Department of Design
Emilio Pizzi2020Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
Lido Porri2003Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Piero Portaluppi1964Architecture [*]
Luigi Puccinelli2015Deparment of Aerospace Science and Technology
Alfio Maria Quarteroni2023Department of Mathematics
Adolfo Quilico1981Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
NameYear of nominationFacility
Pier Giorgio Righetti2014Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Sergio Rinaldi2014Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Fabio Rocca2011Department of Electronics and Information [*]
Giannantonio Sacchi Landriani2004Department of Structural Engineering [*]
Sandro Salsa2021Department of Mathematics
Maria Giovanna Sami2015Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Fernando Sansò2016Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mauro Santomauro2018Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Nicola Schiavoni2018Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Fabio Alberto Schreiber2017Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Alberto Seassaro2013Department of Design
Quirico Semeraro2023Department of Mechanical Engineering
Giuseppe Serazzi2015Department of Electronic, Information and Bioengineering
Giovanni Serravalle2003Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”
Ottorino Sesini1981Department of Mechanical Engineering
Andrea Silvestri2015Department of Energy
Luigi Solaini1986Institute of Topography Photogrammetry and Applied Geophysics [*]
Giancarlo Spinelli2017Department of Mathematics
Ernesto Stagni1993Institute of Roads and Transport [*]
Renato Stefanelli2009Department of Electronics and Information [*]
Cesare Stevan2013Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
Orazio Svelto2010Department of Physics
Angelo Torricelli2018Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
Francesco Trabucco2017Department of Design
Giuseppe Turchini2013Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering
Domenico Zampaglione2010Department of Hydraulic, Environmental Engineering, Road Infrastructures and Surveying [*]
Giuseppe Zerbi2010Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta”

[*] Facility name no longer in use