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European projects


European Research Council


  • Mauro Nisoli (Department of Physics), TOMATTO – The ultimate Time scale in Organic Molecular opto-electronics, the ATTOsecond, SyG 2020


  • Paola Francesca Antonietti (Department of Mathematics), NEMESIS – NEw generation MEthods for numerical SImulationS, SyG 2023


  • Daniele Ielmini (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), ANIMATE ANalogue In-Memory computing with Advanced device Technology, AdG 2021
  • Manuela Raimondi (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering), BEACONSANDEGG Mechanobiology of cancer progression, AdG 2021
  • Giovanni Isella (Department of Physics), Electrophot Electro-optic frequency comb generation in the mid-infrared, AdG 2022
  • Chiara Bisagni (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), NABUCCO New Adaptive and BUCkling-driven COmposite aerospace structures, AdG 2022
  • Alberto Corigliano (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering), IMMENSE – Inter materials and structures mechanoperception for self learning, AdG 2023


  • Alfio Quarteroni (Department of Mathematics), iHEART An Integrated Heart Model for the simulation of the cardiac function, AdG 2016
  • Stefano Ceri (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), GeCo Genomic Computing, AdG 2015
  • Enrico Tronconi (Department of Energy), INTENT Structured Reactors with INTensified Energy Transfer for Breakthrough Catalytic Technologies, AdG 2015


  • Giulio Cerullo (Department of Physics), STRATUS Structure and dynamics of biomolecules by two-dimensional ultraviolet spectroscopy, AdG 2011
  • Bertrand Meyer (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), CME Concurrency Made Easy, AdG 2011
  • Stefano Ceri (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), SeCo Search Computing, AdG 2008
  • Carlo Ghezzi (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), SMScom Self-Managing Situated Computing, AdG 2008
  • Mauro Nisoli (Department of Physics), ELYCHE Electron-scale dynamics in chemistry, AdG 2008
  • Alfio Quarteroni (Department of Mathematics), MATHCARD Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of the Cardiovascular System, AdG 2008. [Host Institution: EPFL]


  • Camilla Colombo (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), Green Species – Robust control of the space debris population to define optimal policies and an economic revenue model for sustainable development of space activities, CoG 2022
  • Sara Bagherifard (Department of Mechanical Engineering), ArcHIDep – Revolutionary tailored ARChitected Heterostructures obtained by solId state DEPosition, CoG 2021
  • Massimo Tavoni (Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering), EUNICE – Debiasing the uncertainties of climate stabilization ensembles, CoG 2021
  • Alessandro Filippo Maria Pellegata (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering), 3D.FETOPRINT – In-situ fetoscopic 3D bioprinting for spina bifida treatment, CoG 2023


  • Francesco Topputo (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), EXTREMA – Engineering Extremely Rare Events in Astrodynamics for Deep-Space Missions in Autonomy, CoG 2019
  • Francesco Scotognella (Department of Physics), PAIDEIA – PlAsmon InduceD hot Electron extraction with doped semiconductors for Infrared solAr energy, CoG 2018
  • Carlo Spartaco Casari (Department of Energy), EspLORE – Extending the science perspectives of linear wires of carbon atoms from fundamental research to emerging materials, CoG 2016
  • Carmen Giordano (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering), MINERVA – MIcrobiota-Gut-BraiN EngineeRed platform to eVAluate intestinal microflora impact on brain functionality, CoG 2016
  • Corinna Rossi (Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering), LIFE – Living In a Fringe Environment, CoG 2015
  • Daniele Ielmini (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), RESCUE – REsistive-Switch CompUting bEyond CMOS, CoG 2014
  • Matteo Passoni (Department of Energy), ENSURE – Exploring the New Science and engineering unveiled by Ultraintense ultrashort Radiation interaction with mattEr, CoG 2014
  • Dario Polli (Department of Physics), VIBRA – Very fast Imaging by Broadband coherent Raman, CoG 2014
  • Manuela Raimondi (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering), NICHOID – Mechanobiology of nuclear import of transcription factors modeled within a bioengineered stem cell niche, CoG 2014


  • Alberto Guardone (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), NSHOCK – Non-classical rarefaction shock-waves in molecularly complex vapours, CoG 2013
  • Massimo Tavoni (Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering), COBHAM – The role of consumer behavior and heterogeneity in the integrated assessment of energy and climate policies, CoG 2013


  • Giulia Acconcia (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), HÈRMES – High-speed timE Resolved fluorescence iMaging with no pilE-up diStortion, StG 2023
  • Fabio Ferrari (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), TRACES – Transitions in the Rubble-pile Asteroid Chaotic Environment and granular Structures, StG 2022
  • Margherita Maiuri (Department of Physics), ULYSSES – ManipULation of photoinduced processes bY reshaping tranSition StatEs via transient Strong coupling, StG 2022
  • Paola Occhetta (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), EvOoC – Evolving Organs-on-Chip towards the concept of “mechanical re-evolution”, StG 2022
  • Chiara Paganelli (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), MINIONS – Patient-specific Microstructural and radIobiological model for persoNalised external beam radiation therapy in localised tumourS, StG 2023
  • Giuseppe Maria Paternò (Department of Physics), EOS – Engineering Of bacteria to See light, StG 2023
  • Gianvito Vilé (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering), SAC_2.0 – Single-Atom Catalysts for a New Generation of Chemical Processes: from Fundamental Understanding to Interface Engineering, StG 2022


  • Edoardo Albisetti (Department of Physics), B3YOND – Beyond nanofabrication via nanoscale phase engineering of matter, StG 2020
  • Matteo Lucchini (Department of Physics), AuDACE – Attosecond Dynamics in Advanced Materials, StG 2019
  • Paola Saccomandi (Department of Mechanical Engineering), LASER OPTIMAL – Laser Ablation: SElectivity and monitoRing for OPTImal tuMor removAL, StG 2017
  • Camilla Colombo (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), COMPASS – Control for Orbit Manoeuvring through Perturbations for Application to Space Systems, StG 2015
  • Matteo Maestri (Department of Energy), SHAPE – Structure-dependent microkinetic modelling of heterogeneous catalytic processes, StG 2015
  • Cosimo D’Andrea (Department of Physics), SOLENALGAE – Improving photosynthetic solar energy conversion in microalgal cultures for the production of biofuels and high value products, StG 2015. [Host Institution: Università di Verona]
  • Giovanni Isella (Department of Physics), INsPIRE – Chip-scale INtegrated Photonics for the mid-Infra Red, StG 2014. [Host Institution: Université Paris-Sud]


  • Pierangelo Metrangolo (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering), FOLDHALO – Folding with Halogen Bonding, StG 2012


  • Francesco Topputo (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), AXESS – Accelerated X-in-the-loop Environment for Small Satellite Testing, PoC 2024
  • Gianvito Vilé (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering ), CATSYNEX - Harnessing the Market Potential of Single-Atom Catalysts through Next-Generation Large-Scale Synthesis, PoC 2024
  • Sara Bagherifard (Department of Mechanical Engineering), CORE - A Multi-fidelity Approach Enabling Automated High Precision in Cold Spray Repair, PoC 2024
  • Daniele Ielmini (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering) NEURO2D - Neuromorphic computing system for real-time signal monitoring and classification with ultra-low-power 2D devices, PoC 2024
  • Enrico Tronconi (Department of Energy), INCANT – ElectrIfied ammoNia CrAcking iN sTructured reactors, PoC 2023
  • Carmen Giordano (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering), PROMETEO – PRoduction of an innOvative Millifluidic dEvice for TEsting of new prObiotics, PoC2 2022
  • Carlo Casari (Department of Energy), PYPAINT – Protect Your Peerless Artwork with Innovative Nanoengineered Technology, PoC2 2022
  • Matteo Maestri (Department of Energy), CATALYSE – A multiscale Machine Learning based Software for the Simulation of Catalytic Processes, PoC2 2022
  • Francesco Topputo (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), GUIDO – A Computing Unit for Autonomous Spacecraft Guidance in Deep Space, PoC2 2022
  • Daniele Ielmini (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), SHANNON – Secure Hardware with AdvaNced NONvolatile memories, PoC1 2022
  • Matteo Passoni (Department of Energy), PANTANI – Proton, electron And Neutron sources for non-destructive Testing ANd Investigations and treatment of materials, PoC1 2022
  • Manuela Raimondi (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering), NICHILD – Feasibility of a secretome factory to treat paediatric interstitial lung disease, PoC1 2022
  • Paola Saccomandi (Department of Mechanical Engineering), LEILA – Closed-Loop and multisEnsing delIvery tool for controlled Laser Ablation of tumors, PoC1 2022
  • Francesco Scotognella (Department of Physics), TCOtronics – Transparent conductive oxide nanocrYstalline films for eleCtronics and optoelectronics via low-cost solution processing, PoC1 2022
  • Francesco Topputo (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), SENSE – A Sensor for Autonomous Navigation in Deep Space, PoC1 2022


  • Matteo Maestri (Department of Energy), SPECTROKIN – Operando-Spectroscopy Annular Reactor for Spectro-kinetic Analysis in Heterogeneous Catalysis, PoC 2020
  • Enrico Tronconi (Department of Energy), INSTANT – effIcieNt Small scale uniT for distributed heAt and hydrogeN generation, PoC 2020
  • Carmen Giordano (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering ), DIANA – Organ-on-a-chip DevIce for drug screening to treAt ceNtral nervous system diseAse, PoC 2019
  • Carlo Spartaco Casari (Department of Energy), PROTECHT – Providing RObust high TECHnology Tags based on linear carbon nanostructures, PoC 2019
  • Alberto Guardone (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), PROVA – Pitot probe for non-ideal compressible flows of organic fluids for renewable energy applications, PoC 2019 
  • Daniele Ielmini (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), CIRCUS – Crosspoint In-memoRy CompUting Systems, PoC 2018
  • Dario Polli (Department of Physics), FLUO – Industrial implementation of a step-change technology to measure fluorescence, PoC 2018
  • Manuela Raimondi (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering ), MOAB – Miniaturised optically accessible bioreactor for drug discovery and biological research, PoC 2018
  • Pierangelo Metrangolo (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering), MINIRES – A Minimalist Peptide Elastomer, PoC 2017
  • Matteo Passoni (Department of Energy), INTER – Innovative Neutron source for non destructive TEsting and tReatments, PoC 2016
  • Dario Polli (Department of Physics), CHIMERA – A novel instrument to identify chiral molecules for pharmaceutics and bio-chemistry, PoC 2016
  • Manuela Teresa Raimondi (Department of Chemistry Materials and Chemical Engineering ), NICHOIDS – Nichoid: nanoengineered three-dimensional substrate for stem cell expansion, PoC 2016
  • Giulio Cerullo (Department of Physics), MISSION – Mid infrared spectrometers by an innovative optical interferometer, PoC 2014
  • Marco Rasponi (Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering), BrainCircuit-on-chip – Microfluidic chambers for establishing physiological and pathological human iPSC-derived neuronal circuits, PoC 2018. [Host Institution: Ospedale San Raffaele]